Market Intelligence Programme

Evaporative Air Coolers

EMI - Programmes

Market Intelligence Programme

Evaporative Air Coolers


Direct Evaporative Cooling: A self-contained unit, including a fan and fan motor, whose primary functions are the conversion of the sensible heat of unsaturated air passing through the cabinet to latent heat by the process of evaporating recirculating or non-recirculating water directly exposed to this air and the movement of this air through the unit.

Indirect Evaporative Cooling: A packaged indirect evaporative cooling unit with integrated primary and secondary air passages and provided with both primary and secondary air-moving devices. This device also includes the entire water distribution, collection, and recirculation system with pump and piping. This type may have provisions for the installation of other heat and mass transfer devices, such as a direct evaporative cooler and auxiliary heating and cooling coils.

Collection details

Launched in 2023, data collections are organised annually.

The data is available in units with a split by type of product (mobile units, fixed units – direct and indirect) with sub-split by capacity for fixed units and split by application for mobile units (residential or commercial & industrial).

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