The first press release is on the start of the action and the first activities, focused on assessing the compliance of some products, as well as horizontal topics such as training and study visits, emerging issues and challenges....
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/994 lays down the operational details of EPREL with the aim of ensuring the quality, reliability and usefulness of the information provided. LightingEurope will host the European Commission for a live demonstration....
The EU-funded Concerted Action EEPLIANT4 is to be officially launched. The aim is to support the implementation and enforcement of the EU Ecodesign and Energy Labelling regulations and improve market surveillance in these fields....
New harmonised standards under the Machinery Directive (MD) were published in the EU Official Journal on 15 May. These include the reference to EN IEC 60335-2-89 for commercial refrigerating appliances.
On 2 February, the European Commission published its Annual Union Work Programme on European Standardisation (AUWP) 2024 setting out its priorities in standardisation-related activities.
The final event of the EU-funded market surveillance project EEPLIANT3 took place on 7 March. Inspections under EEPLIANT3 unveiled many different nonconformities including for air conditioners and ventilation units.