Eurovent signed a joint industry letter together with twelve other associations on COREPER, showing concern about the adopted European Parliament Report and the recently published Swedish Presidency compromise text.
In light of the announced COREPER I meeting this Wednesday April 5th to discuss the F-Gas Regulation Revision, our industry alliance is extremely concerned that the adopted European Parliament Report and the recently published Swedish Presidency compromise text, dated 31st March, are insufficient in building a successful, pragmatic and implementable Regulation. Such proposals would jeopardise the REPowerEU targets on heat pump deployments and slow down the energy transition.
Whilst we support this revision to further phase down higher global warming potential HFCs, and our industry supports new technologies, already using alternative fluorinated and nonfluorinated options (as it is already the case in stationary refrigeration applications), we call on decision makers to focus on:
- Making it right: include sufficient quotas, and achievable bans with reasonable timelines
- Making it precise: use clear definitions for banned products, which is an extreme technology prescriptive measure that cannot work without clarity
- Making it pragmatic: adjust the laws to market realities of product development times, service needs, safety concerns and a skilled workforce; and
- Make it consistent: do not create a programmed obsolescence of existing equipment affecting all sectors.
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Related document and links
PDF version of the Joint Industry letter on COREPER