
Insights from the Eurovent PG-RVS Chairperson

21 June 2024

3 min read

Insights from the Eurovent PG-RVS Chairperson

21 June 2024

3 min read

Xavier Boulanger is the Chairperson of the Eurovent Product Group ‘Residential Ventilation Systems’ (PG-RVS) and Training and Application Manager at ALDES. In this interview, he gives us an insight into the work of the PG-RVS.

Could you tell us about yourself and how you got involved in the HVACR industry?

With a degree in mechanical engineering and a Master’s degree in industrial automation, I have been working in the ventilation systems manufacturing industry for 32 years. As a Development or Research Manager, I was able to carry out studies for new products and supervise research and development teams. This gives me an overview of all the ALDES Group’s products, from UV ventilation units for individual homes to AHUs for offices, fire dampers, duct accessories and heat pumps with or without hot-water tanks. All this experience gives me a good understanding of the different sectors and markets and the impact of European standards and regulations in which I am involved today.

What are the main focus points of the Product Group ‘Residential Ventilation Systems’, and could you tell us the current challenges in the sector?

With so much at stake in the circular economy, it is the responsibility of our new residential group to ensure that any measures are harmonised across the EU and do not lead to the creation of trade barriers between different Member States through the one-off national circular economy and sustainability measures. It is important for our residential ventilation group to lobby for a higher penetration rate for ventilation by acting on European directives such as the EPBD, and to help communicate the IAQ performance of products and their direct or induced thermal performance.

Our working group is also a forum for discussions that should help to develop both new testing methods and guidelines to ensure that suitable ventilation systems are used in buildings so that both air quality and thermal performance can be verified. Our current work is to push for the integration of new test methods for sensors dedicated to residential or non-residential ventilation and to popularise the new or renovated installation solutions that are essential for buildings and the people who live in them. It will contribute to better and clearer legislation and standardisation in our area.

Could you elaborate on what the Eurovent Recommendation 20/1 Ecodesign and Energy Labelling compliance of bidirectional RVUs focuses on and who could benefit from it?

This document aims to enhance the enforcement of Ecodesign and Energy Labelling requirements for bidirectional residential ventilation units placed and put into service on the EU market. It is principally addressed to suppliers and market surveillance authorities.

The objectives of this document drafted by Eurovent members include sharing best practices on the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling conformity assessment carried out by suppliers, in particular manufacturers, of bidirectional residential ventilation units. It provides a ‘quick check’ tool for verification of the declared data consistency that could be helpful for screening ‘high-risk’ Ecodesign and energy labelling non-compliant products by MSA. It furthermore provides end users with information on what declarations and documentation they should expect from the ventilation unit supplier.

Market surveillance protects not only the interests of product users, but also of the manufacturers, ensuring a level playing field in the market. By helping the competent authorities to have a good knowledge of the products and quickly identify the outliers, all the manufacturers who produce quality products in compliance with the directives will have positive spin-offs linked to the reorganisation of the market with regard to the companies who tend to make unfair savings on their products.

The Eurovent Recommendation 20/1 is available for download free of charge in the Eurovent Document Library.

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