Press Release

ebm-papst is Connectivity Leader of the 2018 Eurovent Summit

23 November 2017

2 min read
ebm-papst is Connectivity Leader of the 2018 Eurovent Summit
Press Release

ebm-papst is Connectivity Leader of the 2018 Eurovent Summit

23 November 2017

2 min read

Brussels, Mulfingen, 7 December 2017. ebm-papst, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-end fan technologies has become Connectivity Leader of the 2018 EUROVENTSUMMIT, which takes place from 25 to 28 September in Seville, Spain. By becoming main sponsor, the German manufacturer underlines its multinational footprint and constant strive for innovation.

The ebm-papst Group is well known throughout the world for its high-quality fans and motors. Since its foundation in 1963, the technology company has continuously set global industry standards: from the digital interconnection of electronically controlled EC fans to aerodynamic improvements for fan blades to the use of eco-friendly materials.

With the theme of the 2018 EUROVENTSUMMIT being #VivaLaConectividad (Connectivity) and as a representative of high quality manufacturers, Eurovent aims to raise awareness on innovative designs and topics such as Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, Machine-to-Machine Communication, Building Information Modelling, and Life-Cycle-Costs.

Karsten Fuchs, Director Market Segment Ventilation & Air Conditioning at ebm-papst and long-time Eurovent Association Board Member, states in this respect: “Since its foundation in 1963, ebm-papst has assigned the highest possible priority to environmental protection efforts and energy-saving measures – core principles that also find themselves in our globally known ‘GreenTech’ approach. We believe that each new product has to be better than its predecessor, and that the interaction of HVACR components is the key to access the next level of efficiency. Products need to be able to provide and exchange relevant data, allowing users a variety of new functions in terms of controlling, monitoring, preventive maintenance and the like, which ultimately can lead all the way to new future business models. As the main sponsor of the 2018 EUROVENTSUMMIT, we further reinforce our forward-thinking efforts. The Summit will be the perfect platform for market players to connect amongst themselves while discussing how to connect their products and services.”

The EUROVENTSUMMIT is Europe’s major gathering for Indoor Climate (HVAC), Process Cooling, and Food Cold Chain Technologies, taking place each second year in differing markets through Europe. The event connects 500 leading manufacturers, consultants, planners, trade associations, policy makers and digital natives from Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa and Latin America. Over 40 seminars, flagship evening events, and meetings (in both English and Spanish) are planned for this four-day event. Stay tuned for more information and registration at


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