Policy Issue

Energy Efficiency Directive

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Energy Efficiency Directive

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The recast 2023 Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) was adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU on 20 September 2023. Member States have two years to transpose the EED’s new provisions into national law. The recast EED aims to reduce final energy consumption at EU level by 11,7% in 2030.

15 March 2024
On 14 March, European Commission adopted the Delegated Act on data centres under the new Energy Efficiency Directive. The Delegated Act was transmitted to the Parliament and Council for the scrutiny period.
2 min read
08 March 2023
The second stakeholder workshop on the energy performance of data centres was hosted on 3 March 2023. The workshops are part of the technical study regarding reporting requirements for data centres in the prospective recast Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)....
1 min read
29 November 2022
The European Commission’s DG ENER, together with Viegand Maagøe and COWI, is organising a stakeholder workshop dedicated to the provisions on data centres that are part of the proposal for an Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) recast....
1 min read
04 October 2022
The European Commission is starting a new package of legal actions against Member States for failing to comply with their obligations under EU law. The RED, EPBD, and EED are among the legislation not fully transposed by certain Member States....
2 min read
09 July 2022
Last week, the energy ministers adopted the Council’s negotiating position on the Energy Efficiency Directive based on the compromise texts prepared by the French Presidency.
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24 November 2021
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released its report on Energy Efficiency 2021 which deals with the progress made, the pandemic and impacts on the supply chain of materials. Its objective is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, not only in the energy sector but als...
2 min read
04 October 2021
On 28 September the Commission published its 7-page recommendation on Energy Efficiency First: from principles to practice together with a 59-page annex with guidelines and examples for its implementation in decision-making in the energy sector and beyond....
2 min read
18 August 2021
This report presents the assessment results of the technical and economic final energy saving potential within EU27 by 2030, covering energy intensive industries, commercial, residential and road transport sector based on 2016 data....
1 min read


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2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762 – Note on Article 5 – SWD 2013 445
2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762 – Note on Article 6 – SWD 2013 446
2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762 – Note on Article 7 – SWD 2013 451
2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762 – Note on Article 8 – SWD 2013 447
2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762 – Note on Article 9-11 – SWD 2013 448
2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762 – Note on Article 14 – SWD 2013 449
2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762 – Note on Article 15 – SWD 2013 450
2013 Guidance on implementing the Energy Efficiency Directive – COM 2013 762
2015 Progress report towards efficiency targets – COM 2015 574 – Accompanying SWD 2015 245 – 1 of 2
2015 Progress report towards efficiency targets – COM 2015 574 – Accompanying SWD 2015 245 – 2 of 2
2015 Progress report towards efficiency targets – COM 2015 574
2016 Progress report towards efficiency targets – COM 2017 56
2017 Progress report towards efficiency targets – COM 2017 687
2018 Progress report towards efficiency targets – COM 2019 224
2019 Progress report towards efficiency targets – COM 2020 326
2019 Recommendation EU 2019 1658 on transposing energy savings obligations
2019 Recommendation EU 2019 1659 on comprehensive assessment of potential for efficient heating and cooling
2019 Recommendation EU 2019 1660 on implementation of metering and billing provisions
2021 Recommendation EU 2021 1749 on Energy Efficiency First – Annex
2021 Recommendation EU 2021 1749 on Energy Efficiency First
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