Policy Issue

ENER Lot 10 - Air conditioners

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ENER Lot 10 - Air conditioners

Home  Policy  ENER Lot 10 - Air conditioners

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State of play

The review of ENER Lot 10 is currently ongoing. The review study was concluded in 2018. Draft working documents for both the Ecodesign and the merged Energy Labelling have been presented to the Consultation Forum. The Impact Assessment for the Ecodesign file was done but failed the evaluation by the Regulatory Scrutiny Board. The Impact Assessment now has to be revised before the process can continue. It expected that the new Ecodesign Regulation could be adopted by March 2024.

07 July 2023
The European Commission has recently adopted a delegated Regulation which amends the existing Regulation on the labelling of air conditioners and refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function.
1 min read
18 May 2023
The minutes of the Consultation Forum of 7 March 2023 regarding the ecodesign and energy labelling of room air conditioners have been circulated.
1 min read
20 March 2023
On Tuesday, 07 March, the European Commission held the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Consultation Forum meeting on the review of the regulations on air conditioners and comfort fans products (Regulations EU 206/2012 and 626/2011)....
13 min read
08 February 2023
The European Commission confirmed the Consultation Forum meeting on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling of air conditioners and comfort fans, energy labelling of local space heaters, and shared the Ecodesign draft regulation.
1 min read
04 October 2022
On 28 September the third and final stakeholder meeting of EEPLIANT3 Work Package 7 – air conditioners and comfort fans took place. EEPLIANT3 is the largest pan-EU Concerted Action on market surveillance for Ecodesign and Energy Labelling....
1 min read
09 September 2022
The minutes of the Consultation Forum of 24 June 2022 regarding the energy labelling of local space heaters and room air conditioners have been circulated.
1 min read
14 July 2022
The European Commission is drafting a new Delegated Regulation amending the current energy labelling rules on air conditioners. The draft act is open for feedback until 8 August 2022.
1 min read
25 May 2022
The call for evidence for the review of energy labelling requirements for local space heaters is open for feedback till 15 August 2022. The policy options include the possible merger of the energy labels for local space heaters and air-to-air heat pumps (ENER Lot 10). The ado...
1 min read


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