Eurovent has advocated consistently for a policy response from the EU on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). On 12 May 2021, the European Commission adopted the EU Zero Pollution Action Plan, in which it promises to assess pathways and policy options to improve indoor air quality, focusing on key determinants and pollution sources and exploring ways to raise greater public awareness and reduce risks.
On 26 October 2022, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a recast Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Directive. The proposal would merge the current AAQ Directives into one single Directive, and sets interim 2030 EU air quality standards, aligned more closely with World Health Organization guidelines. The revision also introduces better access to justice, effective penalties, improved public information on air quality, and stronger provision on air quality monitoring, modelling, and plans.
The Impact Assessment ruled out the option to expand the scope of the AAQ Directives to include IAQ. The Commission recognised that a bespoke policy response for IAQ would be required and recalled its intentions from the Zero Pollution Action Plan to assess pathways and policy options to improve indoor air quality’ as from 2023. Eurovent will follow up on this commitment in 2023.
This section contains an all-encompassing collection of all EU legislation of relevance for this policy issue in one place. This not only covers regulatory texts, but also FAQ documents, guidelines, preparatory studies, impact assessments, review studies, harmonised standards, and much more. The database contains most recent publications, but also allows you to go back in time.
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Eurovent is the European Industry Association for Indoor Climate, Process Cooling, and Food Cold Chain Technologies. Its members from throughout Europe represent more than 1.000 companies, the majority small and medium-sized manufacturers.
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