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Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc. is a not-for-profit association of manufacturers of fans, dampers, louvers, air curtains, and other air-system components for commercial HVAC, industrial-process, and power-generation applications. With programmes such as certified ratings, laboratory accreditation, verification of compliance, and international-standards development, its mission is to advance the health, growth, and integrity of the air-movement-and-control industry consistent with the interests of the public.
In February 2023 Eurovent and AMCA signed a Memorandum of Understanding, in which they agreed to develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships in support of the fan industry. In the framework of the 3-year Memorandum, the organisations collaborate on the topics related to certification of fans destined for air handling units, education and training, advocacy and standardisation.

Since May 2024, Eurovent is a member of the Coalition for Energy Savings. Eurovent’s membership in the Coalition reflects the importance of energy efficiency principles for the HVACR sector and its role in the EU’s energy goals.
The Coalition for Energy Savings is a European non-for-profit association striving to make energy efficiency and energy savings the first consideration of energy policies. The Coalition advocates energy efficiency as the driving force towards a secure, competitive, sustainable and climate neutral European Union. The Coalition, which is a centre for expertise on energy efficiency, unites 26 members representing a wide variety of energy savings actors such as businesses, local authorities, energy agencies, energy communities and civil society organisations who gather knowledge and advice on energy savings policies.

Eurovent is an ally of World Refrigeration Day, an international awareness campaign established to raise the profile of the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump sector. It focuses its attention on the significant role that the industry and its technologies play in modern life and society. It draws attention to the wonderful engineering and science that is all around us every day, at the very heart of modern life. It enables people to live, travel and work comfortably. It further creates comfortable indoor environments, saves lives and enables people to achieve.
The inaugural World Refrigeration Day incorporating World Heatpumps Day on 26 June 2019 was an immediate monumental international success and has since been held annually on the same date.

Eurovent is a member of the Cool Coalition, a global multi-stakeholder network that connects more than 100 actors from government, cities, international organisations, businesses, finance, academia, and civil society groups to facilitate knowledge exchange, advocacy and joint action towards a rapid global transition to sustainable cooling. Led by UNEP, the Cool Coalition is one of the official outcomes and ‘Transformation Initiatives’ put forward by the Executive Office of the Secretary-General for the UN Climate Action Summit in New York.

Eurovent is an official association campaign supporter of Cooling Keeps Food Fresh, a global campaign launched by United Nations Environment Programme OzonAction, Chefs4thePlanet and Global Food Cold Chain Council celebrating World Refrigeration Day to raise awareness of cooling technologies that reduce food loss and promote climate security. Download the official campaign brochure here.

Eurovent is a Liaison Organisation at CEN, the European Committee for Standardization. It is an association that brings together the national standardisation bodies of 34 European countries. CEN is one of three European standardisation organisations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognised by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.

Gulf Standardization Organization (GSO) is a Regional Standardization Organization (RSO) established by the resolution of the GCC Supreme Council. It assumed its operation in 2004 with the membership of the gul region governments. It aims to unify the various standardisation activities and follow up their implementation and commitment to them in cooperation and coordination with the National Standardization Bodies in the member states In September 2022, Eurovent signed a Memorandum of Understanding with GSO to bring closer cooperation on standardisation and capacity building and facilitate exchange of expertise between Eurovent and GSO.

Federation of Ibero-American Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Associations (FAIAR) represents 14 associations, 3500 members in South America and Europe with official languages being Spanish and Portuguese. It was founded in 2001, to integrate efforts of regional associations dedicated to the purposes of the Federation in each member country. On 22 June 2021, Eurovent and FAIAR signed a Memorandum of Understanding, underlining their commitment to greater harmonisation and stronger ties between Europe and Latin America. In the framework of the Memorandum, the two organisations collaborate on standards development, codes of good practice and networking events, among others.

Eurovent is a founding member of ICARHMA (the International Council of Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heating Manufacturers Associations). It is a unique global membership organisation comprised of eleven national and regional trade associations from virtually every continent that represent almost 100b USD of the global market. ICARHMA has been actively involved in supporting its member associations on various global issues related to the HVACR industry, including energy efficiency policy and environment stewardship. Eurovent represents European industry ideals in the activities of ICARHMA.

Eurovent cooperates with ISO, the International Organization for Standardization. It is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organisations. Founded on 23 February 1947, the organisation promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards.

Orgalim represents Europe's technology industries at EU level, comprising 770.000 companies spanning the mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics, ICT and metal technology branches that develop and manufacture the products, systems and services. Eurovent and Orgalim have a formal partnership agreement which frames collaboration on regulatory issues of common interest.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the global authority that sets the environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the UN system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Eurovent is a partner of UNEP, the coordinator of the Cool Coalition initiative which connects a wide range of key actors from governments and international organisations to facilitate knowledge exchange, advocacy and joint action towards a rapid global transition to efficient and climate-friendly cooling.
Eurovent had a cooperation with UNEP on a test method for indirect evaporative coolers in Egypt. UNEP also launched the global campaign ‘Cooling Keeps Food Fresh’, a campaign which Eurovent is an official association supporter. The campaign raises awareness of cooling technologies that reduce food loss and promote climate security. UNEP was also a supporter of Eurovent Middle East’s 5th Anniversary Congress in Dubai and continues a close exchange of activities in the Middle East to further actions on sustainability.