Join us

Join us
Are you interested in becoming a member of our globally known industry association? This page provides you with in-depth information on what it takes to join our association.
Following submission, your application is going to be presented to our Board (in case of manufacturers not yet members of Eurovent) or Commission (in case of associations). Once approved, you are going to receive a dedicated membership package and Extranet login.
Membership types and contributions

Eurovent’s contributions are clear, straightforward and transparent. They vary according to our three different contributing membership types. The number of votes is never related to organisation sizes, country sizes, or membership contribution levels.

The annual contribution for Member Associations contains a fixed contribution of 4.000,00 EUR that applies to each Member, plus a variable contribution that takes into account the economic size of a country and is defined as follows:
- Each year, the Eurovent General Assembly defines a membership contribution budget, which, in 2018, was 261.020,00 EUR.
- From this contribution budget, the total fixed contributions of all Members are deducted, leading, in 2018, to a projected variable contribution of 193.020,00 EUR.
- Each Member covers a share of this contribution based on the level of GDP of their country in relation to the other European countries.
- The GDP figures used for the calculation are those published by Eurostat and relate to the GDP from three years ago. That is, the 2018 variable contribution was calculated on the basis of the 2015 GDP.
- The contributions for new Members are calculated proportionally.
Following this logic, in 2018 the Spanish Members of Eurovent contributed 17.246,00 EUR and Italy 23.727,00 EUR.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Team to receive information on the precise amount for your country.

Affiliated Manufacturers do not directly participate in Eurovent activities, have no access to the Eurovent Extranet and hence do not pay any contributions. Their representation and contribution are covered by the national Member Association.

Turnover class | Member of a Member Association | Not member of a Member Association |
Very small (less than 10M EUR) | 2.000 EUR | 4.000 EUR |
Small (less than 50M EUR) | 3.500 EUR | 7.000 EUR |
Medium (less than 100M EUR) | 5.000 EUR | 10.000 EUR |
Large (less than 1B EUR) | 7.500 EUR | 15.000 EUR |
Very large (more than 1B EUR) | 12.000 EUR | 24.000 EUR |

The Associate Membership annual contribution is a fixed amount of 2.500,00 EUR.
Rights, benefits and restrictions
The table below provides an overview of the rights associated with each membership type.

10 reasons to become a Corresponding Member
- Make your voice heard and your expertise count by participating directly in our Product Groups, Issue Groups and Special Projects
- Shape future standards and legislation for the Indoor Climate (HVAC), Process Cooling and Food Cold Chain industry
- Profit from our more than 50-year track record in successfully working together with EU decision-makers on European legislation
- Stay ahead of the curve, steer your R&D and innovation in the direction the industry is going and timely adapt your product portfolio to the requirements of tomorrow
- Set the tone for your sector by participating in the development of highly influential Eurovent Guidebooks and Recommendations
- Use our events and meetings to promote your industry and stay in touch with key influencers, innovators and experts from all around Europe and beyond, through our international partnerships
- Gain access to our state-of-the-art online portal, which allows you to directly retrieve all the information you need on EU legislation, standardisation updates and more
- Keep your finger on the pulse of the industry and stay up to date on the latest news on market trends, new technologies, and upcoming events
- Benefit from the direct support of our multilingual and multidisciplinary Team that combines creativity with experience, and political savvy with engineering expertise
- Increase your visibility in the industry by becoming part of the Eurovent family and benefit from the impact of the globally recognised Eurovent brand
Important remarks concerning membership logos
It is strictly prohibited to use any of the Association membership logos to – in any possible manner – promote or associate a product with a certification programme of Eurovent Certita Certification (e.g. ‘Eurovent Certified Performance), which is an independent subunit of the Eurovent Association.
For more information and rules, visit the dedicated article for member logos (requires Extranet login).