
Eurovent 6/15 now available in French and German

13 December 2021

1 min read

Eurovent 6/15 now available in French and German

13 December 2021

1 min read

Eurovent has published both the French and German version of Recommendation 6/15. This Recommendation sets out the principles of good practice to limit the internal air leakages in bidirectional air handling units, notably those fitted with a rotary heat exchanger.

→ Please click here for the French version of this News story: Eurovent 6/15 maintenant disponible en français et en allemand

→ Please click here for the German version of this News story: Eurovent 6/15 jetzt auf Deutsch und Französisch verfügbar

Eurovent Recommendation 6/15 outlines the most important measures to be considered in the design and setting of a unit to minimise leakages and guidelines on how to correct the declared performance due to leakages. The Recommendation was prepared in a joint effort by participants of the Product Group ‘Air Handling Units’ (PG-AHU) and the Product Group ‘Energy Recovery Components’ (PG-ERC) and is addressed to all ventilation and air conditioning professionals, including system planners, installers and manufacturers.

The document can be downloaded free of charge in the Document Library. A printed version can be requested by all air handling unit manufacturers that are members of Eurovent.

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