
Eurovent RT Guidebook Turkish and Italian versions

23 October 2023

1 min read

Eurovent RT Guidebook Turkish and Italian versions

23 October 2023

1 min read

Eurovent has published Turkish and Italian versions of its Rooftop Units Guidebook. The Guidebook gives an insight into types, design, applications, operation, selection and maintenance of rooftop units.

→ Please click here for the Turkish version of this News story: Eurovent RTÜniteleri Türkçesi ve İtalyan versiyonları

→ Please click here for the Italian version of this News story: Eurovent RT Guidebook versioni Italiana e turca

Eurovent has published a Turkish and Italian version of its first-ever Guidebook on rooftop units, which provides a comprehensive overview of the rooftop technology which is the first compendium of its kind developed by the rooftop industry. It raises awareness of the benefits of rooftop units and aims to share technical knowledge and market insights directly from industry experts.

The documents can be downloaded free of charge in the Publications section on the Eurovent website:

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